// Javascript to enable link to tab // This magic js codes enables anchor links to work with bootstrap tabs // Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9393768/11317151 (and edited, like a lot) // Also update on location change window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', function () { var hash = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); // ^ means starting, meaning only match the first hash if (hash) { bootstrap.Tab.getOrCreateInstance(document.querySelector('#' + hash)).show(); } }, false ); var hash = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); // ^ means starting, meaning only match the first hash if (hash) { bootstrap.Tab.getOrCreateInstance(document.querySelector('#' + hash)).show(); } // Change hash for page-reload $('.nav-link').on('click', function (e) { window.location.hash = e.target.id; }); function primeCreateNew() { // Clear the form $('.form-control').val(''); const form = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalForm'); const form2 = document.getElementById('storageLocationModalForm'); document.getElementById('createNewLocationSelection').disabled = false; document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelectText').innerText= "Select or create a new location."; document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLabel').innerText = "Create new storage unit"; document.getElementById('storageLocationModalTitle').innerText = "Create new storage location"; form.setAttribute('method', 'POST'); form2.setAttribute('method', 'POST'); return true; } function primeEdit() { const form = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalForm'); const form2 = document.getElementById('storageLocationModalForm'); // Disable create new location document.getElementById('createNewLocationSelection').disabled = true; document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelectText').innerText= "While editing you can only select already existing locations. Use the settings to create new ones."; document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLabel').innerText = "Edit a storage unit"; document.getElementById('storageLocationModalTitle').innerText = "Edit a storage location" document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelect').value = 1 handleSelector() form.setAttribute('method', 'PATCH'); form2.setAttribute('method', 'PATCH'); return true; } function handleSelector(){ const selector = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelect') const value = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value; if(value == "META_CREATENEW") { $('#storageUnitModalContactInfoCreator').removeClass('d-none') $('.requireOnCreate').attr('required', true) } else { $('#storageUnitModalContactInfoCreator').addClass('d-none') $('.requireOnCreate').attr('required', false) } } function getDataForEdit(id) { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: `/api/v1/storageUnits?id=${id}`, success: function (data) { const result = JSON.parse(data); // Get elements inside the editCategoryModal const modal_unitName = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalName'); const modal_unitLocation = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelect'); const modal_unitId = document.getElementById('storageUnitModalLocationSelectHidden'); // const modal_categoryid = document.getElementById('editCategoryModalId'); modal_unitName.value = result.name; modal_unitId.value = result.id; // Select the correct location from the select based on the value of the option for(var i, j = 0; i = modal_unitLocation.options[j]; j++) { if(i.value == result.contactInfoId) { console.log("Found it"); modal_unitLocation.selectedIndex = j; break; } } }, error: function (data) { console.log('!!!! ERROR !!!!', data); // Hide overlay with spinner $('.loader-overlay').removeClass('active'); // Close the modal $('.modal').modal('hide'); createNewToast(' Something went wrong. The storage unit does no longer exist.', "text-bg-danger") } }); } function getDataForEditLoc(id) { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: `/api/v1/storageLocations?id=${id}`, success: function (data) { const result = JSON.parse(data); // Get elements inside the editCategoryModal const modal_locationName = document.getElementById('storageLocationModalName'); const modal_locationUnitSel = document.getElementById('storageLocationModalUnit'); const modal_locationId = document.getElementById('storageLocationModalIdHidden'); // const modal_categoryid = document.getElementById('editCategoryModalId'); modal_locationName.value = result.name; modal_locationId.value = result.id; // Select the correct location from the select based on the value of the option for(var i, j = 0; i = modal_locationUnitSel.options[j]; j++) { if(i.value == result.storageUnit) { console.log("Found it"); modal_locationUnitSel.selectedIndex = j; break; } } }, error: function (data) { console.log('!!!! ERROR !!!!', data); // Hide overlay with spinner $('.loader-overlay').removeClass('active'); // Close the modal $('.modal').modal('hide'); createNewToast(' Something went wrong. The storage unit does no longer exist.', "text-bg-danger") } }); } handleSelector()