Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
phone | String |
Yes | - |
comment | String? |
No | - |
Prios | Priorities[] |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one AlarmContacts
// Get one AlarmContacts
const alarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first AlarmContacts
// Get one AlarmContacts
const alarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | AlarmContactsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | AlarmContactsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | AlarmContactsScalarFieldEnum | AlarmContactsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more AlarmContacts
// Get all AlarmContacts
const AlarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.findMany()
// Get first 10 AlarmContacts
const AlarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | AlarmContactsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | AlarmContactsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | AlarmContactsScalarFieldEnum | AlarmContactsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one AlarmContacts
// Create one AlarmContacts
const AlarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a AlarmContacts
Name | Type | Required |
data | AlarmContactsCreateInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one AlarmContacts
// Delete one AlarmContacts
const AlarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one AlarmContacts
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one AlarmContacts
// Update one AlarmContacts
const alarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | AlarmContactsUpdateInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more AlarmContacts
// Delete a few AlarmContacts
const { count } = await prisma.alarmContacts.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one AlarmContacts
const { count } = await prisma.alarmContacts.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | AlarmContactsUpdateManyMutationInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one AlarmContacts
// Update or create a AlarmContacts
const alarmContacts = await prisma.alarmContacts.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a AlarmContacts
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the AlarmContacts we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | AlarmContactsCreateInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | AlarmContactsUpdateInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
Contact | AlarmContacts |
Yes | - |
contactId | Int |
Yes | - |
priority | Int |
Yes | - |
actionplan | ActionPlan |
Yes | - |
actionplanId | Int |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Priorities
// Get one Priorities
const priorities = await prisma.priorities.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Priorities
// Get one Priorities
const priorities = await prisma.priorities.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
orderBy | PrioritiesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | PrioritiesOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | PrioritiesScalarFieldEnum | PrioritiesScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Priorities
// Get all Priorities
const Priorities = await prisma.priorities.findMany()
// Get first 10 Priorities
const Priorities = await prisma.priorities.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
orderBy | PrioritiesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | PrioritiesOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | PrioritiesScalarFieldEnum | PrioritiesScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Priorities
// Create one Priorities
const Priorities = await prisma.priorities.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Priorities
Name | Type | Required |
data | PrioritiesCreateInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Priorities
// Delete one Priorities
const Priorities = await prisma.priorities.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Priorities
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Priorities
// Update one Priorities
const priorities = await prisma.priorities.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | PrioritiesUpdateInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Priorities
// Delete a few Priorities
const { count } = await prisma.priorities.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Priorities
const { count } = await prisma.priorities.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | PrioritiesUpdateManyMutationInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Priorities
// Update or create a Priorities
const priorities = await prisma.priorities.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Priorities
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Priorities we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | PrioritiesCreateInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | PrioritiesUpdateInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
comment | String? |
No | - |
prio | Priorities[] |
Yes | - |
content | Content[] |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one ActionPlan
// Get one ActionPlan
const actionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first ActionPlan
// Get one ActionPlan
const actionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
orderBy | ActionPlanOrderByWithRelationInput[] | ActionPlanOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | ActionPlanScalarFieldEnum | ActionPlanScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more ActionPlan
// Get all ActionPlan
const ActionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.findMany()
// Get first 10 ActionPlan
const ActionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
orderBy | ActionPlanOrderByWithRelationInput[] | ActionPlanOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | ActionPlanScalarFieldEnum | ActionPlanScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one ActionPlan
// Create one ActionPlan
const ActionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a ActionPlan
Name | Type | Required |
data | ActionPlanCreateInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one ActionPlan
// Delete one ActionPlan
const ActionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one ActionPlan
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one ActionPlan
// Update one ActionPlan
const actionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | ActionPlanUpdateInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more ActionPlan
// Delete a few ActionPlan
const { count } = await prisma.actionPlan.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one ActionPlan
const { count } = await prisma.actionPlan.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | ActionPlanUpdateManyMutationInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Create or update one ActionPlan
// Update or create a ActionPlan
const actionPlan = await prisma.actionPlan.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a ActionPlan
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the ActionPlan we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | ActionPlanCreateInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | ActionPlanUpdateInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
type | contentType |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
filename | String |
Yes | - |
actionplan | ActionPlan[] |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Content
// Get one Content
const content = await prisma.content.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Content
// Get one Content
const content = await prisma.content.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereInput | No |
orderBy | ContentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | ContentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | ContentWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | ContentScalarFieldEnum | ContentScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Content
// Get all Content
const Content = await prisma.content.findMany()
// Get first 10 Content
const Content = await prisma.content.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereInput | No |
orderBy | ContentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | ContentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | ContentWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | ContentScalarFieldEnum | ContentScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Content
// Create one Content
const Content = await prisma.content.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Content
Name | Type | Required |
data | ContentCreateInput | ContentUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Content
// Delete one Content
const Content = await prisma.content.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Content
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Content
// Update one Content
const content = await prisma.content.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | ContentUpdateInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Content
// Delete a few Content
const { count } = await prisma.content.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Content
const { count } = await prisma.content.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | ContentUpdateManyMutationInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | ContentWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Content
// Update or create a Content
const content = await prisma.content.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Content
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Content we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | ContentCreateInput | ContentUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | ContentUpdateInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | AlarmContactsWhereInput | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | AlarmContactsWhereInput | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
phone | StringFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
phone | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
Prios | PrioritiesOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
_relevance | AlarmContactsOrderByRelevanceInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
phone | String | No |
AND | AlarmContactsWhereInput | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | AlarmContactsWhereInput | AlarmContactsWhereInput[] | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
phone | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | AlarmContactsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | AlarmContactsAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | AlarmContactsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | AlarmContactsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | AlarmContactsSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | AlarmContactsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AlarmContactsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | AlarmContactsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | AlarmContactsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AlarmContactsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
phone | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | PrioritiesWhereInput | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
OR | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | PrioritiesWhereInput | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
contactId | IntFilter | Int | No |
priority | IntFilter | Int | No |
actionplanId | IntFilter | Int | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsScalarRelationFilter | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanScalarRelationFilter | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
priority_actionplanId | PrioritiesPriorityActionplanIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | PrioritiesWhereInput | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
OR | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | PrioritiesWhereInput | PrioritiesWhereInput[] | No |
contactId | IntFilter | Int | No |
priority | IntFilter | Int | No |
actionplanId | IntFilter | Int | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsScalarRelationFilter | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanScalarRelationFilter | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
_count | PrioritiesCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | PrioritiesAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | PrioritiesMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | PrioritiesMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | PrioritiesSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | PrioritiesScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | PrioritiesScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | PrioritiesScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | PrioritiesScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | PrioritiesScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
contactId | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
priority | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
actionplanId | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ActionPlanWhereInput | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ActionPlanWhereInput | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesListRelationFilter | No |
content | ContentListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
prio | PrioritiesOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
content | ContentOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
_relevance | ActionPlanOrderByRelevanceInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
AND | ActionPlanWhereInput | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ActionPlanWhereInput | ActionPlanWhereInput[] | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesListRelationFilter | No |
content | ContentListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | ActionPlanCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | ActionPlanAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | ActionPlanMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | ActionPlanMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | ActionPlanSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ActionPlanScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ActionPlanScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | ActionPlanScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | ActionPlanScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ActionPlanScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ContentWhereInput | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ContentWhereInput | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
type | EnumcontentTypeFilter | contentType | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringFilter | String | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
_relevance | ContentOrderByRelevanceInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
AND | ContentWhereInput | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ContentWhereInput | ContentWhereInput[] | No |
type | EnumcontentTypeFilter | contentType | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringFilter | String | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
_count | ContentCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | ContentAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | ContentMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | ContentMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | ContentSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ContentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ContentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | ContentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | ContentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ContentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
type | EnumcontentTypeWithAggregatesFilter | contentType | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
filename | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesCreateNestedManyWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesUpdateManyWithoutContactNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Prios | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutContactNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsCreateNestedOneWithoutPriosInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanCreateNestedOneWithoutPrioInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsUpdateOneRequiredWithoutPriosNestedInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanUpdateOneRequiredWithoutPrioNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
contactId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplanId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
contactId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplanId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
content | ContentCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
content | ContentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
content | ContentUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
content | ContentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanCreateNestedManyWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanUpdateManyWithoutContentNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutContentNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | No |
notIn | Int | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | No |
notIn | String | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
some | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
none | PrioritiesWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sort | SortOrder | No |
nulls | NullsOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
fields | AlarmContactsOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum | AlarmContactsOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum[] | No |
sort | SortOrder | No |
search | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
phone | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
phone | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
phone | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | No |
notIn | Int | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_avg | NestedFloatFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | No |
notIn | String | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
isNot | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
isNot | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
contactId | SortOrder | No |
priority | SortOrder | No |
actionplanId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | ContentWhereInput | No |
some | ContentWhereInput | No |
none | ContentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
fields | ActionPlanOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum | ActionPlanOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum[] | No |
sort | SortOrder | No |
search | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
comment | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | contentType[] | No |
notIn | contentType[] | No |
not | contentType | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
some | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
none | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
fields | ContentOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum | ContentOrderByRelevanceFieldEnum[] | No |
sort | SortOrder | No |
search | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | contentType[] | No |
notIn | contentType[] | No |
not | contentType | NestedEnumcontentTypeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput[] | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | PrioritiesCreateOrConnectWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesCreateOrConnectWithoutContactInput[] | No |
createMany | PrioritiesCreateManyContactInputEnvelope | No |
connect | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput[] | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | PrioritiesCreateOrConnectWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesCreateOrConnectWithoutContactInput[] | No |
createMany | PrioritiesCreateManyContactInputEnvelope | No |
connect | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
increment | Int | No |
decrement | Int | No |
multiply | Int | No |
divide | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | AlarmContactsCreateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateWithoutPriosInput | No |
connectOrCreate | AlarmContactsCreateOrConnectWithoutPriosInput | No |
connect | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutPrioInput | No |
connectOrCreate | ActionPlanCreateOrConnectWithoutPrioInput | No |
connect | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | AlarmContactsCreateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateWithoutPriosInput | No |
connectOrCreate | AlarmContactsCreateOrConnectWithoutPriosInput | No |
upsert | AlarmContactsUpsertWithoutPriosInput | No |
connect | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | AlarmContactsUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUpdateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateWithoutPriosInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutPrioInput | No |
connectOrCreate | ActionPlanCreateOrConnectWithoutPrioInput | No |
upsert | ActionPlanUpsertWithoutPrioInput | No |
connect | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | ActionPlanUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUpdateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateWithoutPrioInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput[] | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | ContentCreateOrConnectWithoutActionplanInput | ContentCreateOrConnectWithoutActionplanInput[] | No |
connect | ContentWhereUniqueInput | ContentWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput[] | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | ContentCreateOrConnectWithoutActionplanInput | ContentCreateOrConnectWithoutActionplanInput[] | No |
connect | ContentWhereUniqueInput | ContentWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | contentType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | No |
notIn | Int | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | No |
notIn | String | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | No |
notIn | Int | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_avg | NestedFloatFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
in | Float | No |
notIn | Float | No |
lt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
not | Float | NestedFloatFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | No |
notIn | String | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
search | String | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Int | Null | Yes |
notIn | Int | Null | Yes |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | contentType[] | No |
notIn | contentType[] | No |
not | contentType | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | contentType[] | No |
notIn | contentType[] | No |
not | contentType | NestedEnumcontentTypeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumcontentTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanCreateNestedOneWithoutPrioInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | PrioritiesCreateManyContactInput | PrioritiesCreateManyContactInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | PrioritiesUpdateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateWithoutContactInput | No |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | PrioritiesUpdateWithoutContactInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput | No |
data | PrioritiesUpdateManyMutationInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutContactInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
contactId | IntFilter | Int | No |
priority | IntFilter | Int | No |
actionplanId | IntFilter | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | AlarmContactsWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | AlarmContactsCreateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateWithoutPriosInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
content | ContentCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
content | ContentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutPrioInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | AlarmContactsUpdateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateWithoutPriosInput | No |
create | AlarmContactsCreateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedCreateWithoutPriosInput | No |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | AlarmContactsWhereInput | No |
data | AlarmContactsUpdateWithoutPriosInput | AlarmContactsUncheckedUpdateWithoutPriosInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
phone | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | ActionPlanUpdateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateWithoutPrioInput | No |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutPrioInput | No |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanWhereInput | No |
data | ActionPlanUpdateWithoutPrioInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateWithoutPrioInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
content | ContentUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
content | ContentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsCreateNestedOneWithoutPriosInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutActionplanInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | PrioritiesCreateManyActionplanInput | PrioritiesCreateManyActionplanInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | PrioritiesUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
create | PrioritiesCreateWithoutActionplanInput | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | PrioritiesUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | PrioritiesScalarWhereInput | No |
data | PrioritiesUpdateManyMutationInput | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | ContentUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
create | ContentCreateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedCreateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ContentWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | ContentUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ContentScalarWhereInput | No |
data | ContentUpdateManyMutationInput | ContentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ContentScalarWhereInput | ContentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ContentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ContentScalarWhereInput | ContentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
type | EnumcontentTypeFilter | contentType | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutActionplanInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutContentInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | ActionPlanUpdateWithoutContentInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateWithoutContentInput | No |
create | ActionPlanCreateWithoutContentInput | ActionPlanUncheckedCreateWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | ActionPlanUpdateWithoutContentInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput | No |
data | ActionPlanUpdateManyMutationInput | ActionPlanUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutContentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput | ActionPlanScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
comment | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplan | ActionPlanUpdateOneRequiredWithoutPrioNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplanId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
actionplanId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Contact | AlarmContactsUpdateOneRequiredWithoutPriosNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
contactId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
contactId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
priority | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | contentType | EnumcontentTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
prio | PrioritiesUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutActionplanNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
comment | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
phone | String | Yes |
comment | String | No |
Prios | Priorities[] | No |
_count | AlarmContactsCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
contactId | Int | Yes |
priority | Int | Yes |
actionplanId | Int | Yes |
Contact | AlarmContacts | Yes |
actionplan | ActionPlan | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
comment | String | No |
prio | Priorities[] | No |
content | Content[] | No |
_count | ActionPlanCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
type | contentType | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
filename | String | Yes |
actionplan | ActionPlan[] | No |
_count | ContentCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | AlarmContactsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | AlarmContactsAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | AlarmContactsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | AlarmContactsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | AlarmContactsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
phone | String | Yes |
comment | String | No |
_count | AlarmContactsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | AlarmContactsAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | AlarmContactsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | AlarmContactsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | AlarmContactsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | PrioritiesCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | PrioritiesAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | PrioritiesSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | PrioritiesMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | PrioritiesMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
contactId | Int | Yes |
priority | Int | Yes |
actionplanId | Int | Yes |
_count | PrioritiesCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | PrioritiesAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | PrioritiesSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | PrioritiesMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | PrioritiesMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | ActionPlanCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | ActionPlanAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | ActionPlanSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | ActionPlanMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | ActionPlanMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
comment | String | No |
_count | ActionPlanCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | ActionPlanAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | ActionPlanSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | ActionPlanMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | ActionPlanMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | ContentCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | ContentAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | ContentSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | ContentMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | ContentMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
type | contentType | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
filename | String | Yes |
_count | ContentCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | ContentAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | ContentSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | ContentMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | ContentMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
count | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
Prios | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | Int | Yes |
phone | Int | Yes |
comment | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
phone | String | No |
comment | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
contactId | Int | Yes |
priority | Int | Yes |
actionplanId | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Float | No |
contactId | Float | No |
priority | Float | No |
actionplanId | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
contactId | Int | No |
priority | Int | No |
actionplanId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
prio | Int | Yes |
content | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | Int | Yes |
comment | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
comment | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
actionplan | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
type | Int | Yes |
name | Int | Yes |
filename | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
type | contentType | No |
name | String | No |
filename | String | No |