{ "titles": { "home": "Homepage", "preview": "Preview", "mode": "Mode", "messaging": "Messaging", "countdownToTime": "Countdown to time", "attention": "Attention", "hostinfo": "Host information" }, "sidebar": { "home": "Home", "settings": "Settings", "debug": "Debug", "about": "About" }, "hints": { "previewHint": "A preview of what is currently visible on the countdown view", "modeHint": "", "messagingHint": "Shows a given message on the timer view", "copyHint": "Copies the link to the timer view", "openInNewTab": "Open the countdown view in a new tab", "selectMode": "Select what to show on the countdown view" }, "placeholders": { "msgHere": "Message here" }, "others": { "timer": "Timer", "clock": "Clock", "black": "Black", "test": "Testimage" }, "labels": { "clockOnTimer": "Show clock on Timer:", "showMillis": "Show Milliseconds on Timer:", "showProgress": "Show progressbar:", "progbarColors": "Progressbar Colors", "time": "Time", "color": "Color", "remove": "Remove", "enableTextClrs": "Enable Text Colours:", "textClrs": "Text Colours", "addRow": "Add Row", "timeVar": "Enable time variance display:" }, "untis": { "seconds": "Seconds", "minutes": "Minutes", "hours": "Hours", "days": "Days", "weeks": "Weeks", "months": "Months", "years": "Years" }, "informationTexts": { "debugInfo": "This is a debug page which should only be used by professionals. Changing any options below might impact operation.", "proceedCaution": "Proceed with caution." }, "_metadata": { "lang": "en", "version": "1.0.0", "authors": ["TheGreydiamond"] } }