const express = require("express"); const fs = require("fs"); const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); const ws = require("ws"); const helper = require("./helpers.js"); const loggy = require("./logging"); const Eta = require("eta"); const _ = require("underscore"); const path = require("path"); loggy.init(true); loggy.log("Preparing server", "info", "Server"); const app = express(); loggy.log("Preparing static routes", "info", "Server"); app.use(express.static("static")); loggy.log("Preparing middlewares", "info", "Server"); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use( bodyParser.urlencoded({ // to support URL-encoded bodies extended: true, }) ); // Allowed urls for requests to /assets/ const allowsURLs = [ "bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css", "js-cookie/dist/js.cookie.min.js", "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", "mdbootstrap/css/style.css", "bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js", "jquery/dist/jquery.min.js", "darkreader/darkreader.js", "bootstrap-duration-picker/dist/bootstrap-duration-picker.css", "flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css", "bootstrap-duration-picker/dist/bootstrap-duration-picker-debug.js", "flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.js", "bootstrap-icons/font/fonts/bootstrap-icons.woff2", "bootstrap/dist/css/", "less/dist/less.min.js", "less/dist/", "mdbootstrap/js/mdb.min.js", ]; let loadedData = {}; let dataToBeWritten = {} loggy.log("Loading config", "info", "Config"); if (fs.existsSync("data-persistence.json")) { const loadedDataRaw = fs.readFileSync("data-persistence.json", "utf8"); loadedData = JSON.parse(loadedDataRaw); } else { console.warn("Unable to load persistent data"); } currentState = { mode: "clock", countdownGoal: new Date().getTime(), showMilliSeconds: true, defaultFullScreen: true, timeAmountInital: 0, timerRunState: false, pauseMoment: 0, showTimeOnCountdown: true, message: "", showMessage: false, messageAppearTime: 0, showProgressbar: true, colorSegments: { 40000: "yellow", 20000: "#FFAE00", 5000: "#ff0000", START: "green", }, textColors: {}, srvTime: 0, enableColoredText: true, debug: false, enableOverrun: true, sessionToken: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15), }; let configObject = { language: "en_uk", port: 3000, }; if (!fs.existsSync("config.json")) { fs.writeFileSync("config.json", "{}"); } const tempJsonText = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.json", "utf8")); configObject = _.extend(configObject, tempJsonText); fs.writeFileSync("config.json", JSON.stringify(configObject)); currentState = Object.assign({}, currentState, loadedData); currentState.textColors = currentState.colorSegments; loggy.log("Searching for languages", "info", "Language"); const languagesRaw = fs.readdirSync("./lang"); const languages = []; for (let i = 0; i < languagesRaw.length; i++) { if (languagesRaw[i].endsWith(".json")) { languages.push(languagesRaw[i].replace(".json", "")); } } loggy.log("Found " + languages.length + " languages", "info", "Language"); loggy.log("Reading language file", "info", "Language"); let languageProfile = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync("lang/" + configObject.language + ".json", "utf8") ); loggy.log("Preparing websocket", "info", "Websocket"); const wsServer = new ws.Server({ noServer: true }); wsServer.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("message", function incoming(data) { if (data.toString() == "new client") { updatedData(); } }); }); wsServer.broadcast = function broadcast(data) { wsServer.clients.forEach(function each(client) { // The data is coming in correctly // console.log(data); client.send(data); }); }; let updatey = undefined; function updatedData() { currentState.srvTime = new Date().getTime(); wsServer.broadcast(JSON.stringify(currentState)); clearTimeout(updatey); setTimeout(updatedData, 5000); } loggy.log("Preparing routes", "info", "Server"); app.get("/", function (req, res) { const data = fs.readFileSync("templates/newAdminPanel.html", "utf8"); try { res.send( Eta.render(data, { lang: languageProfile, additional: { languages: languages, }, }) ); } catch (e) { loggy.log("Error rendering template", "error", "Server"); const dataN = fs.readFileSync("templates/brokenTranslation.html", "utf8"); res.send( Eta.render(dataN, { additional: { languages: languages, }, }) ); } }); app.get("/timer", function (req, res) { const data = fs.readFileSync("templates/ng-timerview.html", "utf8"); res.send(data); }); app.get("/timer-old", function (req, res) { const data = fs.readFileSync("templates/timerPage.html", "utf8"); res.send(data); }); app.get("/api/v1/data", function (req, res) { currentState.srvTime = new Date().getTime(); res.json(currentState); }); app.get("/api/v1/system", function (req, res) { const tempPkgFile = fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8"); const tempPkgObj = JSON.parse(tempPkgFile); const systemData = { uptime: process.uptime(), memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage(), cpuUsage: process.cpuUsage(), platform: process.platform, arch: process.arch, nodeVersion: process.version, nodePath: process.execPath, nodeArgv: process.argv, nodeExecArgv: process.execArgv, nodeCwd: process.cwd(), nodeEnv: process.env, nodeConfig: process.config, nodeTitle: process.title, systemVersion: tempPkgObj.version, }; res.json(systemData); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/mode", function (req, res) { currentState.mode = req.query.mode; updatedData(); res.json({ status: "ok" }); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/layout/showMillis", function (req, res) { const resy = helper.wrapBooleanConverter(, res); if (resy != undefined) { currentState.showMilliSeconds = resy; if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.showMilliSeconds = currentState.showMilliSeconds; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/timerGoal", function (req, res) { currentState.countdownGoal = new Date(parseInt(req.query.time)).getTime(); // ToDO error handling res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/addMillisToTimer", function (req, res) { currentState.timeAmountInital = req.query.time; currentState.countdownGoal = new Date().getTime() + parseInt(req.query.time); currentState.pauseMoment = new Date().getTime(); res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/relativAddMillisToTimer", function (req, res) { currentState.timeAmountInital = parseInt(req.query.time) + parseInt(currentState.timeAmountInital); currentState.countdownGoal = currentState.countdownGoal + parseInt(req.query.time); // currentState.pauseMoment = new Date().getTime(); res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/ctrl/timer/pause", function (req, res) { currentState.timerRunState = false; currentState.pauseMoment = new Date().getTime(); res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/ctrl/timer/play", function (req, res) { if (currentState.timerRunState == false) { currentState.timerRunState = true; currentState.countdownGoal += new Date().getTime() - currentState.pauseMoment; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/ctrl/timer/restart", function (req, res) { currentState.countdownGoal = new Date().getTime() + parseInt(currentState.timeAmountInital); res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/layout/showTime", function (req, res) { const resy = helper.wrapBooleanConverter(, res); if (resy != undefined) { currentState.showTimeOnCountdown = resy; if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.showTimeOnCountdown = currentState.showTimeOnCountdown; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/enableOverrun", function (req, res) { const resy = helper.wrapBooleanConverter(req.query.enable, res); if (resy != undefined) { currentState.enableOverrun = resy; if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.enableOverrun = currentState.enableOverrun; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/progressbar/show", function (req, res) { currentState.showProgressbar = === "true"; if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.showProgressbar = currentState.showProgressbar; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/progressbar/colors", function (req, res) { try { let data = req.query.colors; if (req.query.isBase64 === "true") { let buff = new Buffer(data, 'base64'); data = buff.toString('ascii'); } currentState.colorSegments = JSON.parse(data); if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.colorSegments = currentState.colorSegments; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); } catch (error) { res.json({ status: "error", message: error }); console.error(error); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/text/colors", function (req, res) { try { if (req.query.copy === "true") { currentState.textColors = currentState.colorSegments; res.json({ status: "ok" }); } else { let data = req.query.colors; if (req.query.isBase64 === "true") { let buff = new Buffer(data, 'base64'); let data = buff.toString('ascii'); } console.debug(data); currentState.textColors = JSON.parse(data); if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.textColors = currentState.textColors; } } res.json({ status: "ok" }); } catch (error) { res.json({ status: "error", message: error }); console.error(error); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/set/text/enableColoring", function (req, res) { currentState.enableColoredText = req.query.enable === "true"; if (req.query.persist === "true") { dataToBeWritten.enableColoredText = currentState.enableColoredText; } res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/ctrl/message/show", function (req, res) { currentState.message = req.query.msg; currentState.showMessage = true; currentState.messageAppearTime = new Date().getTime(); res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/debug", function (req, res) { currentState.debug = req.query.enable === "true"; res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/ctrl/message/hide", function (req, res) { currentState.showMessage = false; res.json({ status: "ok" }); updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/storage/commit", function (req, res) { const tempString = JSON.stringify(dataToBeWritten); try { fs.writeFileSync("data-persistence.json", tempString); res.json({ status: "ok" }); } catch (error) { res.json({ status: "error", reason: error }); } updatedData(); }); app.get("/api/v1/storage/delete", function (req, res) { if (req.query.delete === "true") { if (fs.existsSync("data-persistence.json")) { fs.unlinkSync("data-persistence.json"); res.json({ status: "ok" }); } else { res.json({ status: "error", reason: "No persistence data was found" }); } } else { } res.json({ status: "error", reason: "Missing delete argument" }); updatedData(); }); // UI Routes // Returns an object containg all available languages app.get("/api/ui/v1/lang/list", function handleLangList(req, res) { const tempRespObject = { status: "ok", languages: languages, }; res.json(tempRespObject); }); app.get("/api/ui/v1/lang/set", function (req, res) { if (req.query.lang == undefined || req.query.lang == "") { res.json({ status: "error", reason: "Missing language" }); return; } const testLang = req.query.lang; loggy.log("Reloading language file", "info", "Language"); if (!fs.existsSync("lang/" + testLang + ".json")) { loggy.log( "Language reload failed, file does not exist", "error", "Language" ); res .status(500) .json({ status: "error", reason: "Language file not found" }); return; } const tempLang = fs.readFileSync("lang/" + testLang + ".json", "utf8"); const tempLangObj = helper.tryToParseJson(tempLang); if (!tempLangObj) { loggy.log("Language reload failed, file is not valid", "error", "Language"); res .status(500) .json({ status: "error", reason: "Language file is not valid" }); return; } if (tempLangObj._metadata == undefined) { loggy.log( "Language reload failed, file is not valid, metadata missing", "error", "Language" ); res .status(500) .json({ status: "error", reason: "Language file is not valid" }); return; } loggy.log( "Language reloaded, loaded " + tempLangObj._metadata.lang + "@" + tempLangObj._metadata.version, "info", "Language" ); configObject.language = req.query.lang; languageProfile = tempLangObj; res.status(200).json({ status: "ok" }); fs.writeFileSync("config.json", JSON.stringify(configObject)); }); app.use("/assets/*", function handleModuleFiles(req, res) { if (allowsURLs.indexOf(req.params[0]) > -1) { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "node_modules", req.params[0])); } else { loggy.log( "Attempt to access restricted asset file " + req.params[0], "error", "Security" ); res.status(403).json({ status: "error", reason: "Access to restricted asset file denied", }); } // console.log(recordedURLs) }); app.use(function (req, res, next) { res.status(404); loggy.log("Server responded with 404 error", "warn", "Server", true); // respond with html page if (req.accepts("html")) { const data = fs.readFileSync("templates/errorPages/404.html", "utf8"); res.status(404); res.send(data); return; } // respond with json if (req.accepts("json")) { res.json({ error: "Not found" }); return; } // default to plain-text. send() res.type("txt").send("Not found"); }); /*app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { console.error(err.stack); if(String(err.stack).includes("TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined")) { const data = fs.readFileSync("templates/brokenTranslation.html", "utf8"); res.send(data); }else{ res.status(500).send('Something broke!'); } });*/ loggy.log("Starting server", "info", "Server"); const port = configObject.port; process.on("SIGINT", function () { loggy.log( "Caught interrupt signal and shutting down gracefully", "info", "Shutdown" ); server.close(); // Make the express server stop loggy.log("Goodbye! 👋", "magic", "Shutdown", true); loggy.close(); // Close and write log process.exit(); // Quit the application }); const server = app.listen(port); server.on("upgrade", (request, socket, head) => { wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (socket) => { wsServer.emit("connection", socket, request); }); }); loggy.log("=======================", "info", "", true); loggy.log("Server running on port " + port, "magic", "", true); loggy.log( "Visit http://localhost:" + port + "/timer for the timer view", "magic", "", true ); loggy.log( "Visit http://localhost:" + port + " for the admin view", "magic", "", true ); loggy.log("=======================", "info", "", true);