const fs = require("fs"); const request = require("request"); const mysql = require("mysql"); const tools = require("../../functions"); let con = undefined; function initialize(conection) { console.error("!! THE EXAMPLE MODULE HAS BEEN ENABLED, NEVER ENABLE TO EXAMPLE MODULE !!") con = conection; const filePath = "./apiHandler/" + getModuleMeta().exactName + "/db_table_config.sql" const array = fs .readFileSync(filePath) .toString() .split("\n"); for (i in array) { con.query(array[i], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Table created for " + getModuleMeta().title); }); } const requestURL = ""; const mysqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + getModuleMeta().exactName + " (" + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_id, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_name, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_description, source_id, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_loc_lat, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_loc_lng, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_protocol_id, " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_link) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; request(requestURL, { json: true }, (err, res2, body) => { if (err) { throw err; } console.log("[" + getModuleMeta().title + "] Request done") for (let c = 0; c < body.length; c++) { const elm = body[c]; con.query(mysqlQuery, [c,, "", 0, elm.currentLocation.coordinates[1], elm.currentLocation.coordinates[0], 0, "" + elm._id], function (err, result) { if (err) { throw (err) } }) } console.log("[" + getModuleMeta().title + "] Insert into Database done!") }); } function queryData(lat, lng, radius, minimal) { /* radius in km */ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // The Promise constructor should catch any errors thrown on // this tick. Alternately, try/catch and reject(err) on catch. let elementsToQuery = "*"; if (minimal) { elementsToQuery = "id,loc_lat,loc_lng,source_id"; } const sqlQuery = "SELECT \ " + elementsToQuery + ", \ ( 6371 \ * acos( cos( radians(?) ) \ * cos( radians( " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_loc_lat ) ) \ * cos( radians( " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_loc_lng ) - radians(?) ) \ + sin( radians(?) ) \ * sin( radians( " + getModuleMeta().exactName + "_loc_lat ) ) \ ) \ ) \ AS distance \ FROM " + getModuleMeta().exactName + " \ HAVING distance < ? \ ORDER BY distance"; con.query(sqlQuery, [lat, lng, lat, radius], function (err, rows, fields) { // Call reject on error states, // call resolve with results if (err) { return reject(err); } const results = []; for (let e = 0; e < rows.length; e++) { const currentRow = rows[e] const element = { "type": "request-info", "source": getModuleMeta().title, "titel": currentRow.example_name, "description": "", "url": currentRow.example_link, "distance": currentRow.distance, "location": { "lat": currentRow.example_loc_lat, "lng": currentRow.example_loc_lng } } results.push(element) } resolve(results); }); }); } function getModuleMeta() { return { title: "Example", exactName: "example", country: ["*"], limited: false, }; } module.exports = { initialize, queryData, getModuleMeta };