const fs = require("fs"); const bent = require('bent') const mysql = require("mysql"); const tools = require("../../functions"); let con = undefined; function initialize(connection) { con = connection; const array = fs .readFileSync("./apiHandler/freifunk/db_table_config.sql") .toString() .split("\n"); for (i in array) { con.query(array[i], function (err, result) { tools.handleMysqlErrors(err, getModuleMeta().title); console.log("Table created for freifunk"); }); } const freifunkDataUrl = ""; const mysqlQuery = "INSERT INTO freifunk (name, description, source_id, loc, protocol_id, link) VALUES (?, ?, ?, POINT(?, ?), ?, ?)"; const resulter = bent(freifunkDataUrl, 'GET', 'json', 200); resulter().then(function(body){ console.log("[Freifunk] Request done"); for (let c = 0; c < body.allTheRouters.length; c++) { const elm = body.allTheRouters[c]; con.query( mysqlQuery, [,, getModuleMeta().exactName,, elm.long, 0, "", ], function (err, result) { tools.handleMysqlErrors(err, getModuleMeta().title); } ); } console.log("[Freifunk] Insert into Database done!"); }, function(err){ console.warn("[" + getModuleMeta().title + "] Was unable to resolve request with error: " + err) }); } function queryData(boundNorthEastLatLng, boundSouthWestLatLng, minimal) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // The Promise constructor should catch any errors thrown on // this tick. Alternately, try/catch and reject(err) on catch. let elementsToQuery = "*"; if (minimal) { elementsToQuery = "id,loc,source_id"; } const sqlQuery = " \ SELECT " + elementsToQuery + " \ FROM freifunk \ WHERE MBRContains( \ GeomFromText( 'LINESTRING(? ?,? ?)' ), \ loc)"; con.query(sqlQuery, [, boundNorthEastLatLng.lng,, boundSouthWestLatLng.lng], function (err, rows, fields) { // Call reject on error states, // call resolve with results if (err) { return reject(err); } const results = []; for (let e = 0; e < rows.length; e++) { const currentRow = rows[e]; const element = { type: "general-poi", source: "Freifunk", titel:, description: "This is an AP by the " + currentRow.description + " Freifunk Comunity", url:, uid: "freifunk_" +, location: currentRow.loc, icon: "wifiIcon" }; if (minimal) { const stripableElements = ["title", "description", "url", "type"]; for (h in stripableElements) { delete element[stripableElements[h]]; } } results.push(element); } resolve(results); }); }); } function queryItem(uid){ const uidParts = uid.split("_"); const sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + getModuleMeta().exactName + " WHERE id=?" return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { con.query(sqlQuery, [parseInt(uidParts[1])], function (err, rows, fields) { if (err) { return reject(err); } const results = []; for (let e = 0; e < rows.length; e++) { const currentRow = rows[e]; const element = { type: "general-poi", source: "Freifunk", titel:, description: "This is an AP by the " + currentRow.description + " Freifunk Comunity", url:, uid: "freifunk_" +, location: currentRow.loc, icon: "wifiIcon" }; results.push(element); } resolve(results) }); }); } function getModuleMeta() { return { title: "Freifunk", exactName: "freifunk", country: ["*"], tags: ["AP"], limited: false, }; } module.exports = { initialize, queryData, getModuleMeta, queryItem };