const prompt = require("prompts"); const validate = require("uuid").validate; const uuid = require("uuid"); const ora = require("ora"); const mysql = require("mysql"); const fs = require("fs"); function isFutureDate(value) { const d_now = new Date(); const d_inp = new Date(value); return d_now.getTime() <= d_inp.getTime(); } let jsonConfigGlobal = { fontAwesome: undefined, mapboxAccessToken: undefined, cookieSecret: undefined, database: { host: undefined, user: undefined, password: undefined, database: undefined, }, env: undefined, maint: undefined, }; // Load config try { const data = fs.readFileSync("../../config/default.json", "utf8"); jsonConfigGlobal = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { console.error( "While reading the config an error occured. The error was: " + error ); } const connectionPool = mysql.createPool(jsonConfigGlobal.database); console.log( " --[Pointsight API key management]-- " ); console.log( " Welcome to the Pointsight api key manager. THIS SOFTWARE MY ONLY BE USED BY AUTHORIZED PERSONELL. \n \ This tool enables you to create and manage api keys. Use responsible." ); // prompt.inject([ 'yes', "" ]); const questions = [ { type: "confirm", name: "value", message: "Are you authorized to use this software", initial: false, }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.value == true ? "select" : null), name: "cmd", message: "What do you want to do?", choices: [ { title: "whois", value: "whois" }, { title: "create", value: "create" }, { title: "edit", value: "edit" }, { title: "delete", value: "delete" }, { title: "quit" }, ], }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (prev == "whois" ? "text" : null), name: "key", message: "Please enter the api key you want to lookup", validate: (value) => validate(value) ? true : `Please enter a valid api key`, }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "edit" ? "text" : null), name: "key", message: "Please enter the api key you want to edit", validate: (value) => validate(value) ? true : `Please enter a valid api key`, }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "delete" ? "text" : null), name: "key", message: "Please enter the api key you want to delete", validate: (value) => validate(value) ? true : `Please enter a valid api key`, }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "delete" ? "confirm" : null), name: "sure", message: (prev, values, prompt) => "Are you sure you want to delete " + prev + "?", }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "create" ? "text" : null), name: "owner", message: "Enter the owner of the apikey", }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "create" ? "list" : null), name: "hosts", message: "Enter all hosts, sperated by a ','", }, { type: (prev, values, prompt) => (values.cmd == "create" ? "date" : null), name: "expire", message: "Enter an expiration date", validate: (date) => date < ? "Date is not in the future" : true, }, ]; (async () => { const response = await prompt(questions); console.log(response); if (response.cmd == "whois") { const spinner = ora("Initating MySQL Database connection").start(); connectionPool.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { throw err; } spinner.text = "Sending SQL query to server"; //i do query stuff const query = "SELECT * FROM apikeys WHERE apikey=?"; conn.query(query, [response.key], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; if (result.length != 1) { spinner.warn("No or too many results have been found"); } else { spinner.succeed("Database requests done."); } console.log("Found a result: "); console.log(" Key: " + result[0].apikey); console.log(" Owner: " + result[0].owner); console.log(" Hosts: " + result[0].hosts); console.log(" Creation date: " + result[0].created); console.log(" Expire date: " + result[0].expire); console.log(" Has expired: " + !isFutureDate(result[0].expire)); }); //i close the connection conn.release(); }); } else if (response.cmd == "create") { const sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO `apikeys` (`id`, `apikey`, `owner`, `hosts`, `created`, `expire`) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, current_timestamp(), ?);"; const spinner = ora("Initating MySQL Database connection").start(); connectionPool.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { throw err; } spinner.text = "Sending SQL query to server"; const allHosts = response.hosts; let hostString = "["; for (eI in allHosts) { host = allHosts[eI]; hostString += '"' + host + '"'; if (eI < allHosts.length - 1) { hostString += ","; } } hostString += "]"; const myUUID = uuid.v4(); conn.query( sqlQuery, [myUUID, response.owner, hostString, response.expire], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; spinner.succeed("Database request done."); console.log(" Created api key `" + myUUID + "`."); } ); conn.release(); }); } else if (response.cmd == "delete" && response.sure == true) { const sqlQuery = "DELETE FROM `apikeys` WHERE `apikey` = ?"; const spinner = ora("Initating MySQL Database connection").start(); connectionPool.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { throw err; } spinner.text = "Sending SQL query to server"; conn.query(sqlQuery, [response.key], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; spinner.succeed("Database request done."); }); conn.release(); }); } else if (response.cmd == "edit") { const sqlQuery = "DELETE FROM `apikeys` WHERE `apikey` = ?"; const spinner = ora("Initating MySQL Database connection").start(); connectionPool.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { throw err; } spinner.text = "Sending SQL query to server"; const query = "SELECT * FROM apikeys WHERE apikey=?"; conn.query(query, [response.key], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; if (result.length != 1) { spinner.warn("No or too many results have been found"); } else { spinner.succeed("Database requests done."); console.log(result[0]); const histy = JSON.parse(result[0].hosts); const editQuestions = [ { type: "text", name: "owner", initial: result[0].owner, message: "Enter the owner of the apikey", }, { type: "list", name: "hosts", initial: histy, message: "Enter all hosts, sperated by a ','", }, { type: "date", name: "expire", initial: result[0].expire, message: "Enter an expiration date", validate: (date) => date < ? "Date is not in the future" : true, }, ]; (async () => { const response2 = await prompt(editQuestions); console.log(" Key: " + response.key); console.log(" Owner: " + response2.owner); console.log(" Hosts: " + response2.hosts); console.log(" Expire date: " + response2.expire); console.log(" Has expired: " + !isFutureDate(response2.expire)); (async () => { const response3 = await prompt({ type: "confirm", name: "conf", message: "Is this correct?", }); if (response3.conf == true) { const sqlQuery = "UPDATE `apikeys` SET `owner` = ?, `hosts` = ?, `expire` = ? WHERE `apikey` = ?"; const spinner = ora( "Initating MySQL Database connection" ).start(); connectionPool.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { throw err; } spinner.text = "Sending SQL query to server"; const allHosts = response2.hosts; let hostString = "["; for (eI in allHosts) { host = allHosts[eI]; hostString += '"' + host + '"'; if (eI < allHosts.length - 1) { hostString += ","; } } hostString += "]"; conn.query( sqlQuery, [response2.owner, hostString, response2.expire, response.key], function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; spinner.succeed("Database request done."); } ); conn.release(); }); } })(); })(); } }); conn.release(); }); } })();