// This script goes into every modules folder and converts // db_table_config.sql.template into a valid SQL file. const fs = require("fs"); const cliProgress = require('cli-progress'); // Find all modules const folderList = fs.readdirSync("apiHandler"); console.log("SQL Minifyer found " + folderList.length + " folders") const bar1 = new cliProgress.SingleBar({}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic); // Build paths for every module for(let m = 0; m < folderList.length; m++) { folderList[m] = "apiHandler/" + folderList[m] + "/db_table_config.sql.template" } bar1.start(folderList.length, 0); // Go through each module for(elm in folderList){ const inputTable = fs.readFileSync(folderList[elm]); // Read the template file const allLines = String(inputTable).split("\n"); // Split into single elements let longStr = ""; let fileOutput = ""; for(let i = 0; i < allLines.length; i++){ // Go through all tese lines and make them a single one if( ! allLines[i].includes("#NL")){ // #NL sperates quries longStr += allLines[i].replace("\r", "").replace("\t", " "); // Remove tabs and carriege returns }else{ fileOutput += longStr + "\n"; longStr = ""; } } fileOutput = fileOutput.substring(0, fileOutput.length - 1); bar1.increment() fs.writeFileSync(folderList[elm].replace(".template", ""), fileOutput); // Save to path } setTimeout(function(){ bar1.stop(); console.log("Done."); }, 200)